Music School piano lessons tampa carrollwood
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Hello, Students and Families!

The holidays are quickly approaching and we are so excited to announce that we will host two recitals in December, one at <a href=””>The Music Gallery</a> in Clearwater on December 4th and another at <a href=”″>R.E. Olds Park amphitheater</a> on December 11th!

The Music Gallery is an indoor venue with a stage and Steinway grand piano. There is plenty of seating available for families and friends.

R.E. Olds Park amphitheater is an outdoor venue in a beautiful setting. Seating is not provided, so families and friends should bring their own lawn chairs / blankets. A digital piano is provided on-stage with a P/A system for all musicians (microphone for singers and instrumentalists).

In each performance setting, there are multiple time slots to choose from, with a maximum of 18 performers per slot. Each recital is expected to last approximately 45 minutes. Please choose only one performance date so that we have enough slots for everyone.

Students may perform 1 or 2 pieces. Vocalists, drummers, and intermediate to advanced students, typically perform 1 selection. All performers will need to limit their performance time to 2 minutes or less when possible. Please speak with your teacher about a plan for your performance.

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<h3 class=”” style=”line-height: 1.17;” data-fontsize=”36″ data-lineheight=”42.12px”><span style=”color: #db4d35; margin: 20px 0px -25px 0px;”><span style=”color: #282828;”>Music Gallery</span>
Sunday, December 4th</span></h3>
<h4 class=”” style=”line-height: 1.5;” data-fontsize=”28″ data-lineheight=”42px”><span style=”color: #000000;”>11:30pm • 12:45pm • 2:00pm </span>• 3:15pm • 4:30pm</h4>
<h3 class=”” style=”margin: 20px 0px -25px; line-height: 1.17;” data-fontsize=”36″ data-lineheight=”42.12px”></h3>

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We can’t wait to hear everyone perform! If you have any questions, please call or text us at 727-736-8018 (call/text) or email

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